professional learning for teachers
We have reached over 500 teachers through workshops and presentations.
Our curriculum-based teacher professional learning workshops focus on providing teachers with:​
Active learning opportunities: experiencing labs and lessons from a student's perspective
Subject matter knowledge around the science of food and cooking
Pedagogical knowledge around phenomena-based learning and sensemaking (NGSS aligned)
Sustained support throughout the school year
Teacher Testimonials
"At the end of the day, learning how many different applications a simple food recipe can have to my existing curriculum is huge, and learning how to break it down into each concept/standard covered transformed my outlook on my curriculum. "
- Jocelyn, HS Chemistry Teacher, MI
"I enjoyed getting to work together with some amazing educators and try out all of the hands-on activities for myself. Trying them out made the lessons feel more approachable and less intimidating."
- Lacee, MS Science Teacher, CO
"The workshop gave me a lot of confidence to teach in a new way. I learned so many practical ways to help kids see chemistry in their daily lives. I think it's going to really help the stigma around chemistry in my space."
- Maizie, HS Chemistry Teacher, NV
Past Teacher Workshops
Approximately 320 teachers have attended our PD workshops. These are primarily in-person workshops, but we have also facilitated virtual workshops over Zoom.