This shorter lesson is specifically adapted to be a fun lab for the beginning of the year that emphasizes lab skills and data analysis.
Objective: Explore measurements, precision/accuracy, conversions and scaling through a classroom-friendly chocolate chip cookie recipe.
Grades: 8-10
Timeline: 2-3 class periods
This Lesson Includes:
- Teacher Lesson Plan with...
- Essential Questions, Objectives, NGSS standards
- Lab Prep Information (Materials, Ingredients, Amazon Lists when appropriate, Tips & Tricks)
- Day-by-Day Lesson Plans
- Classroom Slides with directions for lesson flow, turn and talk prompts, illustrations and graphics, embedded videos, and whole group reflection questions
- Student Handouts with step-by-step lab directions and other activities
- Video (instructional lab video)
All materials are included in a Google Drive folder.
The Science Behind Measurements & Chocolate Chip Cookies